The very neatly cultivated vineyard areas alternate with the mystery and power of the mountains that anticipate the majesty of the nearby Alps, an irresistible invitation for those who love hiking, horseback riding or mountainbike itineraries between woods and vineyards, loaden with grapes, and along the picturesque shady forest trails. These areas are also explorable from the top, by paragliding or hang gliding, climbing mountains or practicing on our rock-equipped gyms. Those who prefer a quiet bike ride with the family can follow one of the many small streets and alleys that line the water canals and, through fragrant meadows, connect villages and districts, or choose one of the many signposted cycle routes. Further you are invited to participate in sport events organized by the vibrancy and passion of local associations. For information, reservations, suggestions on activities that you can practice you will find on this site (under contacts / links) all addresses that can be use full for an active holiday.